$$News and Reports$$

Mar. 08, 2015

​First-time research on how corporate and national cultures and their interaction influence mergers and acquisitions (M&A) performance. Till now, extensive studies on M&A performance have suggested that the influence of culture is critical, they have never before actually investigated the topic of the combined effects.

Prof. Arie ​Reichel, GGFBM Department of Hotel and Tourism Management, has been researching this breakthrough with his associates from the Israel Business College of Rishon LeZion and the Israel Open University.

A Model of the Influence of Culture on Integration Approaches and International Mergers and Acquisitions Performance, 
Yaakov Weber, Shlomo Y. Tarba & Arie Reichel, Interna​tional Studies of Management & Organization, pages 9-24,

An extensive body of literature has suggested that the influence of culture on the postmerger integration process and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) performance is critical. However, the results of empirical studies are contradictory and confusing. In fact, the combined effects of corporate culture, national culture, and synergy potential on various integration approaches, as well as their influence on M&A performance, have never been simultaneously investigated. This study aims to fill this gap and to develop a theoretical model using a multidisciplinary approach that draws upon the literature from strategic management, international management, and anthropology. Furthermore, unlike most studies that focus on a single stage of M&A, this study combines variables of pre- and postmerger stages.